GETXOPHOTO is one of the most popular festivals in Getxo. Organised by the Begihandi art group and currently under the curatorship of Monica Allende, it has earned international acclaim thanks to the quality of its content, its innovation in format and the numerous activities that take place in parallel throughout the month of June.
Getxophoto was first held in 2007 as a themed festival revolving around image, its main defining features being the use of non-conventional formats and support media (ranging from façades to shop windows, waste containers, bars, patios or buildings) and the defence of public space.
Held in June, it seeks to broach, share and respond to topics that involve and concern everyone through contemporary visual stories. It has a clear international vocation, exhibiting works by some twenty authors of acknowledged prestige, although at the same time it seeks to involve local agents like stores, bars or education centres. Furthermore, it not only comprises an exhibition component but also teaching-learning activities such as workshops, presentations, lectures and projections.
The festival is conceived as a walking tour, the recommended starting point of which is the Info Point (Amezti 4, Algorta), where you can obtain a map of the exhibitions and information on each work and author as well as different suggested routes, to meet each visitor’s needs.
Discover one of the most original international image festivals in June.